Youth Club Activities

Youth Club (YC): 


YC (Youth Club): Youth Club allows youth 12 and older to attend without a 15 year old chaperon as long as a permission slip is completed PRIOR attendance. The guidelines are outlined on the release; youth are only allowed to utilize the basketball court, game room and computers. Youth are NOT allowed to utilize the fitness equipment or attend group exercise classes as part of the Youth Club.

HOURS: Youth Club participation is available any hours the center is open.

As part of the Youth Club, youth must have a completed registration form on file PRIOR to participating.

Youth Club (YC) Permission Form: Youth Club Activities Permission Slip[1]

Free to members* and a $3 drop-in fee for non-members. Please contact the center at 775- 657-6388 for more details

*youth must have their own membership or must be on the family membership to qualify for “free”